Retrieval as a Service for GenAI Solutions

Trusted, Safe, and Proven Path to Implementing Generative AI in Enterprises

Pryon RAG Suite

Pryon's best-in-class ingestion and retrieval engines can be paired with Generative LLMs to implement retrieval-augmented generation and provide accurate, instant, and verifiable answers at enterprise scale.

Pryon Ingestion Engine

Use Pryon Ingestion Engine to convert vast quantities of critical, fragmented, and rapidly changing multi-modal content into structured, chunked data ready for retrieval.

Pryon Retrieval Engine

Securely provide accurate, instant, and verifiable answers with Pryon Retrieval Engine, which understands natural language queries, extracts matched content, provides precise attribution, and maintains access level controls.

Pryon Generative Engine

Leverage public, custom, or Pryon's generative LLMs to receive retrieval-augmented prompts and generate conversational responses to user queries.

Pryon in Action

A graphically generated image in neon colors of pink and blue showing the connections between various tech products
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Fortune 50
Technology Company
A Fortune 50 technology company uses Pryon to power a support chatbot for its massive consumer base, deflecting tens of thousands of questions annually and increasing customer lifetime value by $1.7M.
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Energy Corporation
A world-leading energy corporation powers its outage management system with Pryon, delivering critical information to nuclear engineers, reducing outage times, and saving $6.7M annually.
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United States
Federal Agency
A federal agency uses Pryon to unlock instant answers for personnel and civilians from 150,000+ pages of content — in any language.
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Non-Governmental Organization
A world-leading NGO focused on public-private partnership uses Pryon to deliver decades of world-changing ideas and research to industry and government leaders in milliseconds.
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Large Multinational
Technology Company
Pryon partners with a multinational technology giant to provide a fully interactive solution to a city government for citizen engagement and self-service.

About Pryon

Pryon turns hours of searching into moments of clarity.

Created by the AI pioneers instrumental in developing Alexa, Siri, and Watson, Pryon reduces the distance between people and answers, building high-performing, resilient, and responsive organizations.

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