Unlike OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Pryon is purpose-built for the enterprise

The advantages of Pryon over ChatGPT for the enterprise

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has brought conversational interaction and generative AI to the forefront of public discourse. ChatGPT’s open-domain AI is essentially a beta experience creating human-like answers to a wide array of public domain queries. Undoubtedly, the application is a massive step in the public’s awareness of, and interaction with, natural language processing.

The enthusiasm for ChatGPT brings a rising tide for the intersection of AI and knowledge management, but ChatGPT is far from perfect. Headlines herald ChatGPT’s seemingly cohesive responses while also highlighting its oft-misguided, objectively wrong, and sometimes toxic answers. The readily usable and engaging tool has many people fantasizing about practical applications and interactions beyond conversational turns and creative queries.

While OpenAI’s open-domain AI may work for consumer content creation and exploration, it is unsuitable for enterprise use cases. Pryon, on the other hand, was purpose-built for the enterprise.

Pryon answers the call for enterprise AI

Founded by the minds behind Amazon’s Alexa and IBM’s Watson, Pryon’s team of AI pioneers recognized a problem impacting enterprises across every industry. We call it Knowledge Friction: the disconnect between critical knowledge and the employees who can’t afford to wait for the right answer, such as customer support agents, engineers, field operations teams, and sales reps.

Pryon creates for the first time a secure Knowledge Fabric from which organizations can immediately unlock answers through natural language queries. Purpose-built for the future of work, the platform was founded on four pillars of responsible enterprise AI:

  • Accuracy: Pryon gives enterprises deep and secure access to their trusted proprietary knowledge, allowing employees and decision-makers to ask questions and get immediate, highly accurate, and actionable responses linked directly to their verifiable content.
  • Scalability: Pryon’s ingestion model consumes content as quickly as it’s produced and digitized. Source content can be updated around the clock with near-instantaneous consumption-to-query-response time.
  • Security: Pryon’s Large Language Models (LLMs) are designed with security and traceability first, minimizing the risk of proprietary data leakage or outside knowledge contaminating results. Users can also create security clearance models around their content to manage employee access.
  • Speed: Pryon’s secure ingestion models have limitless capacity and can deliver answers across millions of enterprise documents in milliseconds.

Pryon answers the call for an enterprise tool to eliminate Knowledge Friction, revolutionizing decision-making and workplace productivity. Our platform’s Deep Confidential LLMs leverage controls to enable precise, verified knowledge retrieval for enterprise use cases. And unlike OpenAI’s generative tool, which is susceptible to hallucination, our closed domain knowledge platform is extractive, deriving content and answers directly from an organization’s canonical, up-to-date, and secure information sources.

Pryon is leveraged and trusted today by Fortune 500 companies and government agencies in critical environments, including defense, energy, and semiconductor development.

ChatGPT is a chatbot for the world’s public information, while Pryon is the secure knowledge retrieval engine for an enterprise’s trusted, proprietary content.

Public domain vs. enterprise domain content

ChatGPT models train on a wide array of data, including books, public websites like Wikipedia, and social media. Verifying its underlying sources is nearly impossible because it generates responses based on its learned understanding of various forms of data. Retraining ChatGPT with industry or company-specific content has minimal effect as the ingested content will represent only a tiny drop in its ocean of existing training content.

Conversely, Pryon’s technology automatically and securely ingests specified content and builds a natural language-queryable Knowledge Fabric within minutes. Pryon’s platform allows designated users to ask questions in natural language and receive a verifiable response from source content within milliseconds.

Pryon’s enterprise-specific approach to AI and information ingestion ensures data confidentiality and information accuracy, which sets it apart from generative tools like ChatGPT.

The Pryon solution

Pryon focuses on solving critical challenges for enterprises where real-time access to knowledge has a radical impact on decision-making, workplace productivity, risk removal, and revenue generation.  

Today, Pryon excels at ingesting unstructured content (from application and document sources) containing canonical, high-value, and widely dispersed knowledge. Our platform provides users seamless access to query this knowledge with >90% accuracy and precision. Grounded in our enterprise-specific approach, Pryon brings enterprises to a state of knowledge flow — empowering a Decision Advantage based on inherently secure, trusted, and verifiable information.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has brought conversational interaction and generative AI to the forefront of public discourse. ChatGPT’s open-domain AI is essentially a beta experience creating human-like answers to a wide array of public domain queries. Undoubtedly, the application is a massive step in the public’s awareness of, and interaction with, natural language processing.

The enthusiasm for ChatGPT brings a rising tide for the intersection of AI and knowledge management, but ChatGPT is far from perfect. Headlines herald ChatGPT’s seemingly cohesive responses while also highlighting its oft-misguided, objectively wrong, and sometimes toxic answers. The readily usable and engaging tool has many people fantasizing about practical applications and interactions beyond conversational turns and creative queries.

While OpenAI’s open-domain AI may work for consumer content creation and exploration, it is unsuitable for enterprise use cases. Pryon, on the other hand, was purpose-built for the enterprise.

Pryon answers the call for enterprise AI

Founded by the minds behind Amazon’s Alexa and IBM’s Watson, Pryon’s team of AI pioneers recognized a problem impacting enterprises across every industry. We call it Knowledge Friction: the disconnect between critical knowledge and the employees who can’t afford to wait for the right answer, such as customer support agents, engineers, field operations teams, and sales reps.

Pryon creates for the first time a secure Knowledge Fabric from which organizations can immediately unlock answers through natural language queries. Purpose-built for the future of work, the platform was founded on four pillars of responsible enterprise AI:

  • Accuracy: Pryon gives enterprises deep and secure access to their trusted proprietary knowledge, allowing employees and decision-makers to ask questions and get immediate, highly accurate, and actionable responses linked directly to their verifiable content.
  • Scalability: Pryon’s ingestion model consumes content as quickly as it’s produced and digitized. Source content can be updated around the clock with near-instantaneous consumption-to-query-response time.
  • Security: Pryon’s Large Language Models (LLMs) are designed with security and traceability first, minimizing the risk of proprietary data leakage or outside knowledge contaminating results. Users can also create security clearance models around their content to manage employee access.
  • Speed: Pryon’s secure ingestion models have limitless capacity and can deliver answers across millions of enterprise documents in milliseconds.

Pryon answers the call for an enterprise tool to eliminate Knowledge Friction, revolutionizing decision-making and workplace productivity. Our platform’s Deep Confidential LLMs leverage controls to enable precise, verified knowledge retrieval for enterprise use cases. And unlike OpenAI’s generative tool, which is susceptible to hallucination, our closed domain knowledge platform is extractive, deriving content and answers directly from an organization’s canonical, up-to-date, and secure information sources.

Pryon is leveraged and trusted today by Fortune 500 companies and government agencies in critical environments, including defense, energy, and semiconductor development.

ChatGPT is a chatbot for the world’s public information, while Pryon is the secure knowledge retrieval engine for an enterprise’s trusted, proprietary content.

Public domain vs. enterprise domain content

ChatGPT models train on a wide array of data, including books, public websites like Wikipedia, and social media. Verifying its underlying sources is nearly impossible because it generates responses based on its learned understanding of various forms of data. Retraining ChatGPT with industry or company-specific content has minimal effect as the ingested content will represent only a tiny drop in its ocean of existing training content.

Conversely, Pryon’s technology automatically and securely ingests specified content and builds a natural language-queryable Knowledge Fabric within minutes. Pryon’s platform allows designated users to ask questions in natural language and receive a verifiable response from source content within milliseconds.

Pryon’s enterprise-specific approach to AI and information ingestion ensures data confidentiality and information accuracy, which sets it apart from generative tools like ChatGPT.

The Pryon solution

Pryon focuses on solving critical challenges for enterprises where real-time access to knowledge has a radical impact on decision-making, workplace productivity, risk removal, and revenue generation.  

Today, Pryon excels at ingesting unstructured content (from application and document sources) containing canonical, high-value, and widely dispersed knowledge. Our platform provides users seamless access to query this knowledge with >90% accuracy and precision. Grounded in our enterprise-specific approach, Pryon brings enterprises to a state of knowledge flow — empowering a Decision Advantage based on inherently secure, trusted, and verifiable information.

Unlike OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Pryon is purpose-built for the enterprise

The advantages of Pryon over ChatGPT for the enterprise

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has brought conversational interaction and generative AI to the forefront of public discourse. ChatGPT’s open-domain AI is essentially a beta experience creating human-like answers to a wide array of public domain queries. Undoubtedly, the application is a massive step in the public’s awareness of, and interaction with, natural language processing.

The enthusiasm for ChatGPT brings a rising tide for the intersection of AI and knowledge management, but ChatGPT is far from perfect. Headlines herald ChatGPT’s seemingly cohesive responses while also highlighting its oft-misguided, objectively wrong, and sometimes toxic answers. The readily usable and engaging tool has many people fantasizing about practical applications and interactions beyond conversational turns and creative queries.

While OpenAI’s open-domain AI may work for consumer content creation and exploration, it is unsuitable for enterprise use cases. Pryon, on the other hand, was purpose-built for the enterprise.

Pryon answers the call for enterprise AI

Founded by the minds behind Amazon’s Alexa and IBM’s Watson, Pryon’s team of AI pioneers recognized a problem impacting enterprises across every industry. We call it Knowledge Friction: the disconnect between critical knowledge and the employees who can’t afford to wait for the right answer, such as customer support agents, engineers, field operations teams, and sales reps.

Pryon creates for the first time a secure Knowledge Fabric from which organizations can immediately unlock answers through natural language queries. Purpose-built for the future of work, the platform was founded on four pillars of responsible enterprise AI:

  • Accuracy: Pryon gives enterprises deep and secure access to their trusted proprietary knowledge, allowing employees and decision-makers to ask questions and get immediate, highly accurate, and actionable responses linked directly to their verifiable content.
  • Scalability: Pryon’s ingestion model consumes content as quickly as it’s produced and digitized. Source content can be updated around the clock with near-instantaneous consumption-to-query-response time.
  • Security: Pryon’s Large Language Models (LLMs) are designed with security and traceability first, minimizing the risk of proprietary data leakage or outside knowledge contaminating results. Users can also create security clearance models around their content to manage employee access.
  • Speed: Pryon’s secure ingestion models have limitless capacity and can deliver answers across millions of enterprise documents in milliseconds.

Pryon answers the call for an enterprise tool to eliminate Knowledge Friction, revolutionizing decision-making and workplace productivity. Our platform’s Deep Confidential LLMs leverage controls to enable precise, verified knowledge retrieval for enterprise use cases. And unlike OpenAI’s generative tool, which is susceptible to hallucination, our closed domain knowledge platform is extractive, deriving content and answers directly from an organization’s canonical, up-to-date, and secure information sources.

Pryon is leveraged and trusted today by Fortune 500 companies and government agencies in critical environments, including defense, energy, and semiconductor development.

ChatGPT is a chatbot for the world’s public information, while Pryon is the secure knowledge retrieval engine for an enterprise’s trusted, proprietary content.

Public domain vs. enterprise domain content

ChatGPT models train on a wide array of data, including books, public websites like Wikipedia, and social media. Verifying its underlying sources is nearly impossible because it generates responses based on its learned understanding of various forms of data. Retraining ChatGPT with industry or company-specific content has minimal effect as the ingested content will represent only a tiny drop in its ocean of existing training content.

Conversely, Pryon’s technology automatically and securely ingests specified content and builds a natural language-queryable Knowledge Fabric within minutes. Pryon’s platform allows designated users to ask questions in natural language and receive a verifiable response from source content within milliseconds.

Pryon’s enterprise-specific approach to AI and information ingestion ensures data confidentiality and information accuracy, which sets it apart from generative tools like ChatGPT.

The Pryon solution

Pryon focuses on solving critical challenges for enterprises where real-time access to knowledge has a radical impact on decision-making, workplace productivity, risk removal, and revenue generation.  

Today, Pryon excels at ingesting unstructured content (from application and document sources) containing canonical, high-value, and widely dispersed knowledge. Our platform provides users seamless access to query this knowledge with >90% accuracy and precision. Grounded in our enterprise-specific approach, Pryon brings enterprises to a state of knowledge flow — empowering a Decision Advantage based on inherently secure, trusted, and verifiable information.

Unlike OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Pryon is purpose-built for the enterprise

The advantages of Pryon over ChatGPT for the enterprise


Why knowledge friction costs enterprises thousands of hours of productivity. Four common approaches to solving the enterprise productivity problem — and why they fall shortHow to unlock the value of AI and solve your productivity problem with a Knowledge AI platform

Knowledge friction: The productivity problem that has plagued organizations for decades.

70% of employees report spending an hour or more searching for a single piece of information.*

Companies are creating more content and data than ever – but most of it isn’t discoverable. This frustrating disconnect between content creators and content consumers is what we call knowledge friction. And it costs enterprises thousands of hours of productivity.  

*2024 Survey on Information Discovery, Unisphere Research.

Four ways enterprises have tried to solve the problem — and how Knowledge AI can help.  

Companies have tried various solutions to generate actionable answers from their existing content, yet the enterprise productivity problem remains. Where web search, legacy enterprise search, homegrown solutions, and AI startups all fall short, Knowledge AI is eliminating knowledge friction once and for all.

Unlock the value of AI with an Enterprise AI Platform

Using cutting-edge technology like natural language processing (NLP) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), an enterprise Knowledge AI platform swiftly extracts valuable knowledge from existing content, reading it like a human would, and transforming that knowledge into answers for your teams.

Find out how to unlock the value of AI and solve the enterprise productivity problem for good.

Get the Guide

Power enterprise answers with Pryon

Pryon comprehensively transforms enterprise content into accurate, instant, and verifiable answers.  Get started simply with Pryon AI Labs — a low risk, no-code, lab environment with guidance from our expert solutions team.

For media or investment inquiries, please email info@pryoninc.com.

Unlike OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Pryon is purpose-built for the enterprise

The advantages of Pryon over ChatGPT for the enterprise

Insights from public research at the ready

Stop endlessly searching through PubMed to find the right citation, research guidance, or trial data. RAE lets you ask a question, queries millions of information sources, and delivers the right answer in less than a second, pointing you to the source document(s) in case you’d like to gather more context.

Uncover insights from your own research

Your own research data may contain insights that are even more valuable than the information hidden in MEDLINE and other biomedical literature. That’s why RAE allows researchers to upload their own research, such as clinical trial findings, patient data, and internal unpublished research papers.

Highly accurate and trustworthy

RAE delivers  trustworthy, verifiable, always up-to-date answers, which are critical in a research setting. RAE’s best-in-class retrieval model uses advanced machine learning, computer vision, and optical character recognition to read complex information — even handwritten documents and diagrams — like a human would. RAE never hallucinates, since it only pulls from trusted research content, and delivers over 90% accuracy out of the box (with further improvements over time).

Scales to fit the varied needs of any 
research enterprise

For many organizations, life sciences research can comprise tens of thousands of voluminous research articles. RAE’s massive storage and compute resources enable it to ingest terabytes of research data — including PDFs, text files, images, video, and more — and transform that data into accurate answers.

Safe and secure

To ensure private research data and queries remain private, RAE runs entirely on-premises, not in a public cloud environment. RAE comes preloaded with Pryon, a Knowledge AI platform. Pryon’s AI models do not train on your data, so your data remains yours and yours alone. The system additionally ensures security against external parties with a self-contained, SOC 2 Type II-compliant architecture. All running securely on-prem on Dell PowerEdge servers.

Research answer engines can be transformational

“We can’t wait to see how pharmaceutical companies, research institutes, and development organizations use the Pryon | Dell Research Answer Engine. With this solution, life science experts can spend less time searching PubMed and internal resources for answers and more time conducting game-changing research.”

— Alex Long, Head of Strategy, Life Sciences at Dell Technologies

Why use Dell and Pryon’s Research Answer Engine?

RAE helps accelerate the research process by enabling researchers to quickly get answers to their questions directly from trusted sources, such as MEDLINE and private research. Life science researchers no longer need to waste time and energy hunting for valuable information when they could instead be helping develop new treatments.

Ready to get started?

Request a demo or email  lifesciences@pryoninc.com

Learn more about Dell in Healthcare at Dell.com/Healthcare

Unlike OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Pryon is purpose-built for the enterprise

The advantages of Pryon over ChatGPT for the enterprise


- Where stalled information access is holding enterprises back
- The leading barriers to delivering business-critical information to end users
- The top AI use cases enterprise leaders are exploring for 2024
- Strategies for implementing AI solutions without exposing your organization to risk

Rapid information access is a must-have in today’s digital economy

92% of enterprise leaders agree that access to fast, accurate information from unstructured content is vital to their business.

Information remains out of reach for end users

70% of leaders report that employees in their organization spend more than an hour looking for a piece of information, with nearly a quarter (23%) spending more than 5 hours.

Enterprises are looking to AI for help

The two leading use cases for AI involve helping users better understand and get answers from information spread across the enterprise.

Explore all the insights in the 2024 Survey on Enterprise Information Discovery from Unisphere Research

Power enterprise answers with Pryon

Pryon comprehensively transforms enterprise content into accurate, instant, and verifiable answers.

Get started simply with Pryon AI Labs — a low risk, no-code, lab environment with guidance from our expert solutions team.   

Unlike OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Pryon is purpose-built for the enterprise

The advantages of Pryon over ChatGPT for the enterprise

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has brought conversational interaction and generative AI to the forefront of public discourse. ChatGPT’s open-domain AI is essentially a beta experience creating human-like answers to a wide array of public domain queries. Undoubtedly, the application is a massive step in the public’s awareness of, and interaction with, natural language processing.

The enthusiasm for ChatGPT brings a rising tide for the intersection of AI and knowledge management, but ChatGPT is far from perfect. Headlines herald ChatGPT’s seemingly cohesive responses while also highlighting its oft-misguided, objectively wrong, and sometimes toxic answers. The readily usable and engaging tool has many people fantasizing about practical applications and interactions beyond conversational turns and creative queries.

While OpenAI’s open-domain AI may work for consumer content creation and exploration, it is unsuitable for enterprise use cases. Pryon, on the other hand, was purpose-built for the enterprise.

Pryon answers the call for enterprise AI

Founded by the minds behind Amazon’s Alexa and IBM’s Watson, Pryon’s team of AI pioneers recognized a problem impacting enterprises across every industry. We call it Knowledge Friction: the disconnect between critical knowledge and the employees who can’t afford to wait for the right answer, such as customer support agents, engineers, field operations teams, and sales reps.

Pryon creates for the first time a secure Knowledge Fabric from which organizations can immediately unlock answers through natural language queries. Purpose-built for the future of work, the platform was founded on four pillars of responsible enterprise AI:

  • Accuracy: Pryon gives enterprises deep and secure access to their trusted proprietary knowledge, allowing employees and decision-makers to ask questions and get immediate, highly accurate, and actionable responses linked directly to their verifiable content.
  • Scalability: Pryon’s ingestion model consumes content as quickly as it’s produced and digitized. Source content can be updated around the clock with near-instantaneous consumption-to-query-response time.
  • Security: Pryon’s Large Language Models (LLMs) are designed with security and traceability first, minimizing the risk of proprietary data leakage or outside knowledge contaminating results. Users can also create security clearance models around their content to manage employee access.
  • Speed: Pryon’s secure ingestion models have limitless capacity and can deliver answers across millions of enterprise documents in milliseconds.

Pryon answers the call for an enterprise tool to eliminate Knowledge Friction, revolutionizing decision-making and workplace productivity. Our platform’s Deep Confidential LLMs leverage controls to enable precise, verified knowledge retrieval for enterprise use cases. And unlike OpenAI’s generative tool, which is susceptible to hallucination, our closed domain knowledge platform is extractive, deriving content and answers directly from an organization’s canonical, up-to-date, and secure information sources.

Pryon is leveraged and trusted today by Fortune 500 companies and government agencies in critical environments, including defense, energy, and semiconductor development.

ChatGPT is a chatbot for the world’s public information, while Pryon is the secure knowledge retrieval engine for an enterprise’s trusted, proprietary content.

Public domain vs. enterprise domain content

ChatGPT models train on a wide array of data, including books, public websites like Wikipedia, and social media. Verifying its underlying sources is nearly impossible because it generates responses based on its learned understanding of various forms of data. Retraining ChatGPT with industry or company-specific content has minimal effect as the ingested content will represent only a tiny drop in its ocean of existing training content.

Conversely, Pryon’s technology automatically and securely ingests specified content and builds a natural language-queryable Knowledge Fabric within minutes. Pryon’s platform allows designated users to ask questions in natural language and receive a verifiable response from source content within milliseconds.

Pryon’s enterprise-specific approach to AI and information ingestion ensures data confidentiality and information accuracy, which sets it apart from generative tools like ChatGPT.

The Pryon solution

Pryon focuses on solving critical challenges for enterprises where real-time access to knowledge has a radical impact on decision-making, workplace productivity, risk removal, and revenue generation.  

Today, Pryon excels at ingesting unstructured content (from application and document sources) containing canonical, high-value, and widely dispersed knowledge. Our platform provides users seamless access to query this knowledge with >90% accuracy and precision. Grounded in our enterprise-specific approach, Pryon brings enterprises to a state of knowledge flow — empowering a Decision Advantage based on inherently secure, trusted, and verifiable information.

Ready to kickstart your AI Strategy?

Reach out to us today!

Unlike OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Pryon is purpose-built for the enterprise

The advantages of Pryon over ChatGPT for the enterprise

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has brought conversational interaction and generative AI to the forefront of public discourse. ChatGPT’s open-domain AI is essentially a beta experience creating human-like answers to a wide array of public domain queries. Undoubtedly, the application is a massive step in the public’s awareness of, and interaction with, natural language processing.

The enthusiasm for ChatGPT brings a rising tide for the intersection of AI and knowledge management, but ChatGPT is far from perfect. Headlines herald ChatGPT’s seemingly cohesive responses while also highlighting its oft-misguided, objectively wrong, and sometimes toxic answers. The readily usable and engaging tool has many people fantasizing about practical applications and interactions beyond conversational turns and creative queries.

While OpenAI’s open-domain AI may work for consumer content creation and exploration, it is unsuitable for enterprise use cases. Pryon, on the other hand, was purpose-built for the enterprise.

Pryon answers the call for enterprise AI

Founded by the minds behind Amazon’s Alexa and IBM’s Watson, Pryon’s team of AI pioneers recognized a problem impacting enterprises across every industry. We call it Knowledge Friction: the disconnect between critical knowledge and the employees who can’t afford to wait for the right answer, such as customer support agents, engineers, field operations teams, and sales reps.

Pryon creates for the first time a secure Knowledge Fabric from which organizations can immediately unlock answers through natural language queries. Purpose-built for the future of work, the platform was founded on four pillars of responsible enterprise AI:

  • Accuracy: Pryon gives enterprises deep and secure access to their trusted proprietary knowledge, allowing employees and decision-makers to ask questions and get immediate, highly accurate, and actionable responses linked directly to their verifiable content.
  • Scalability: Pryon’s ingestion model consumes content as quickly as it’s produced and digitized. Source content can be updated around the clock with near-instantaneous consumption-to-query-response time.
  • Security: Pryon’s Large Language Models (LLMs) are designed with security and traceability first, minimizing the risk of proprietary data leakage or outside knowledge contaminating results. Users can also create security clearance models around their content to manage employee access.
  • Speed: Pryon’s secure ingestion models have limitless capacity and can deliver answers across millions of enterprise documents in milliseconds.

Pryon answers the call for an enterprise tool to eliminate Knowledge Friction, revolutionizing decision-making and workplace productivity. Our platform’s Deep Confidential LLMs leverage controls to enable precise, verified knowledge retrieval for enterprise use cases. And unlike OpenAI’s generative tool, which is susceptible to hallucination, our closed domain knowledge platform is extractive, deriving content and answers directly from an organization’s canonical, up-to-date, and secure information sources.

Pryon is leveraged and trusted today by Fortune 500 companies and government agencies in critical environments, including defense, energy, and semiconductor development.

ChatGPT is a chatbot for the world’s public information, while Pryon is the secure knowledge retrieval engine for an enterprise’s trusted, proprietary content.

Public domain vs. enterprise domain content

ChatGPT models train on a wide array of data, including books, public websites like Wikipedia, and social media. Verifying its underlying sources is nearly impossible because it generates responses based on its learned understanding of various forms of data. Retraining ChatGPT with industry or company-specific content has minimal effect as the ingested content will represent only a tiny drop in its ocean of existing training content.

Conversely, Pryon’s technology automatically and securely ingests specified content and builds a natural language-queryable Knowledge Fabric within minutes. Pryon’s platform allows designated users to ask questions in natural language and receive a verifiable response from source content within milliseconds.

Pryon’s enterprise-specific approach to AI and information ingestion ensures data confidentiality and information accuracy, which sets it apart from generative tools like ChatGPT.

The Pryon solution

Pryon focuses on solving critical challenges for enterprises where real-time access to knowledge has a radical impact on decision-making, workplace productivity, risk removal, and revenue generation.  

Today, Pryon excels at ingesting unstructured content (from application and document sources) containing canonical, high-value, and widely dispersed knowledge. Our platform provides users seamless access to query this knowledge with >90% accuracy and precision. Grounded in our enterprise-specific approach, Pryon brings enterprises to a state of knowledge flow — empowering a Decision Advantage based on inherently secure, trusted, and verifiable information.

Unlike OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Pryon is purpose-built for the enterprise

The advantages of Pryon over ChatGPT for the enterprise

Read this guide to:

  • Understand the knowledge friction problem in federal agencies and its impact on daily tasks and mission-critical scenarios.‍
  • Learn how GenAI solutions can democratize knowledge access, streamline workflows, and enable decision advantage.‍
  • Discover the four critical requirements for implementing GenAI solutions securely at the federal level.‍
  • Get introduced to the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework and its benefits in delivering accurate and secure responses.

A sneak peek into the report:

Federal agencies have a knowledge friction problem.

Government agencies need to ensure employees, service members, and citizens quickly and easily receive the answers they need to drive productivity and enable decision advantage.‍

Internal content authors work diligently to produce and update content, including policies, procedures, and lessons learned. Yet staff, managers, and senior leaders still lose valuable time wading through pools of siloed information to find answers. As a result, the gap between critical information and those who need it most continues to widen.

An orb representing a pearl is located over a grid of shapes

Eliminate knowledge friction with generative AI.

Government agencies need to ensure employees, service members, and citizens quickly and easily receive the answers they need to drive productivity and enable decision advantage.‍

With the right GenAI solutions in place, staff and service members can take on challenges with greater speed and intelligence.

4 core considerations to implementing GenAI in a federal agency.

Not every GenAI solution on the market is fit to meet the specific needs of government agencies. Implementing GenAI in a regulated environment requires careful consideration of four critical factors to ensure success:

  1. Accuracy
  2. Security
  3. Scale
  4. Speed
Four tiles are shown displaying key aspects of a product
A phone, tablet, and desktop computer screen are shown displaying a computer product

Retrieval-Augmented Generation: The answer to GenAI implementations for government.

Many federal agencies are turning to Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to support their GenAI solutions. RAG is a framework that combines retrieval and generative capabilities to deliver accurate and trustworthy responses.

This approach mitigates common issues with GenAI tools, such as hallucinations and ensures that responses are based on authoritative content with clear source attribution.

Find out how to unlock the value of AI for federal agencies, while ensuring accuracy and security.

Enable decision advantage with Pryon.

Pryon’s GenAI solutions, supported by a robust RAG framework, are uniquely designed to meet the rigorous demands of government operations.

Using best-in-class information retrieval technology, Pryon securely delivers accurate, timely answers for decision advantage.

Request a custom demo today.